Sunday, September 21, 2014

6165 Communicating Differently

I think that I do communicate differently around different groups.  When I am at work I tend to be more professional and when I am with friends, depending on the environment I think my tone changes and sometimes my vocabulary.  I don't do this intentionally but have noticed the change only after my husband pointed it out to me when he went with me to a function at my job.  Once we got home he said I almost didn't recognize talk so differently around your colleagues than you do around your family(then he added that this was a good thing).  I tend to cut up more around those that I am comfortable and close to and when I am working, I keep a straight face and I work.  I'm not saying that I don't enjoy myself when working but when you tend to let your guard down there will be some individuals who will try to use that against you to discredit you or to make you look bad and this has happened to me in the past and it's something that I never want to happen to me again.


  1. Lartarsha,

    I think it is interesting how I do the same thing. It is not something I have to really work at. It is like I just put on a hat and is interesting.

    Funny thing the other day, I used a vocabulary word in conversation not a really big one, but my nephew said, "do you think going to college gave you a bigger vocabulary, I have never heard that word used before. The word was in my mind simple..diminishing. I told him yes it is from reading scholarly articles. that just goes to show how differently I talk in my work setting and how my education plays a role in it.

  2. Latarsha,
    Great post this week! You got me thinking about communication in a different way. When I posted for my blog, I discussed only how I may possibly communicate differently with parents and students that have English as a second language. I never even thought about how I communicate at work and with my friends. When I'm at home and one of my employees calls, my boyfriend always says I turn on my "teacher voice". So I agree with your post and feel I as well talk differently around the work environment and at home. My tone and vocabulary would change depending on the group.
