Saturday, March 29, 2014

Practicing Awareness of Microagressions

When I think about microaggressions it makes me think back to a couple of weeks ago I was out doing some grocery shopping.  My basket was full of food and the cashier asked me “Is this going to be food stamps or what”, I was offended by the statement.  That was a stereotype at its best.  Just because I had a cart full of groceries, am black and my grocery bill was well over $100.00 she assumed that I had food stamps.  The customer who was in front of me was a white woman who had just as many groceries and the cashier asked that customer is this going to be debit or credit.  What made it even more offensive was that the cashier was a black woman as well.  This just goes to show that even those who belong to the same group as you (ethnicity) you are still stereotyped.  Many times people will say it’s those who belong to other groups but I have experienced  stereotypes more often from those who I have more in common with than those I don’t.

In this particular situation I am not sure if it was intentional or unintentional but I do know that it contained an insulting message (Laureate, 2013) and I was very offended by it.  This goes to show that microaggressions can  can come from anyone; people in the same groups or people who are from different groups.  As Crissy stated in her blog, people should thing before they speak or at least be educated on microaggressions so that they can be prevented.


Course Media: Laureate (2013). "Microaggressions in Everyday Life" .

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

The three individuals that I spoke with this week concerning culture included three different ethnic groups:  White, Arabic and Black.  This group included a co-worker, a parent in the programs that I work for and a friend.  When I questioned them of their definitions of culture their definitions were pretty similar.  They referred to culture as the values, beliefs and traditions that they have.  They all believed that their culture is important to them and that every person’s culture should be respected.  When speaking to them about diversity and their definition of the word they thought that it meant the differences between individuals and groups no matter their ethnicity or culture. 

The definitions that I received from all three of these individuals are similar to those the definitions that have been studies thus far in this course.   The beliefs, values and traditions all represent culture and diversity meaning each person is uniquely different and should be respected. 

I believe that when listening to others definition of culture and diversity as opposed to my own and what I have learned thus far is that each person’s culture is important to them.  They want to be valued and respected no matter their cultural background.  A person’s culture can help you to understand a person and shouldn’t be looked down upon, instead you should try to understand why others may react differently than most, why their traditions and beliefs may differ from your own and you should respect them for those differences and appreciate that without this diverse world there would be no uniqueness.    

Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Family Culture

If there was ever a catastrophe in my country and I had to live in a country where the culture was different from my own and I was only allowed to take three small items I would take my Bible, a photo album with family pictures and my wedding bands.  These are three of the thinks that are most important to me.

My Bible is important to me because it represents my religion and they are the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  This is and would be my comfort while trying to get accustomed to another culture and for my daily living and survival.  I would take my photo album because pictures are worth a thousand words and they hold fond memories of me and my family together showing unconditional love.  I would take my wedding bands because my marriage and my husband are one of the most important parts of my life, I wear them daily and would be lost without having them on.

If I was told once I arrived that I couldn't have but one of those items and would have to give the others up I would be devastated.  I wouldn't want to part with any of those items because those would be the only things left that I would own.  The choice would be easy but it would still be hard to handle.  I would have to give up my family album and my wedding bands.  I would have to keep my Bible because this would be the only thing that would allow me to cope and live from day to day in a country where everything around me is unfamiliar and new.  Memories last a lifetime and I could never forget my family, my marriage or my husband because they would be right there with me and we could begin to make new memories together, however, my Bible would be needed so that I can continue to learn the word of God and to continuously keep my faith, as well as my sanity. 

I have always knew that my religion and my family are the most important parts of my life.  I love them dearly and would probably be lost without them.  When starting this assignment when asked the three things that I would take with me I think I thought about it all of five minutes because I know what is important in my life, my religion and my family.  When having to narrow it down to only one item it was easy because God will always be first in my life.  Don't get me wrong I'm not where I need to be in Christ but I am a work in progress and I know that if I continue to pray and I read the word of God, He will direct my paths.